About the Campaign
What is the Life & Justice Campaign?
The Life & Justice Campaign is a program sponsored by the Office of Life & Justice (historically co-sponsored by the Human Rights and Respect Life Offices) through which our faithful have the opportunity to support local organizations dedicated to defending the dignity of the person and the sanctity of human life.
How does the Life & Justice Campaign work?
Donations may be made to the Life & Justice Campaign at any time. A special second collection is taken up in parishes throughout the diocese in the month of August.
Applications for grants may also be submitted any time. To be considered for a grant in a given year, applications must be received no later than Dec. 31 of the previous year.
All grant decisions are made locally in the month of March by the diocesan Life & Justice Campaign Committee.
100% of all donations received by the Life & Justice Campaign each calendar year are distributed locally.
Only organizations that meet all of the published criteria are eligible to receive a grant.
Every organization that meets all of the criteria receives a grant based on a weighted rating scale.
Grant recipients are invited to an awards reception in the month of May where they have the option to discuss and to display information about their organization for the rest of the recipients.

Promotional Materials
Provided below are links to promotional materials that may be displayed and used in parishes, Knights of Columbus councils, and other faithful organizations. Also included are a few commonly-requested pieces of Life & Justice Campaign artwork so you can create personalized flyers for collections and grant requests within your own parish, Knights of Columbus council, or other organization.
 Life & Justice Campaign Brochure
Tired of Donating to Thin Air?
 Make a Real Difference.
 It's Like a Donation Mutual Fund!

 Parish Bulletin & Pulpit Announcements

Design Art
Life & Justice Campaign Logo -- English / Spanish
Life & Justice Campaign Banner - English / Spanish
Life & Justice Campaign Timeline
Matthew 25:40

Events and Key Dates
Below are the scheduled dates for upcoming Life & Justice Campaign events and activities. If you would like to learn more about how you might sponsor a Life & Justice collection or promotional event in your parish, Knights of Columbus council, or other faithful organization, please contact us.
2025 Grants: Award Dinner: May 15, 2025
2026 Grants: Collection Weekend: August 16-17, 2025
Grant Application Due Date: December 31, 2025
Diocesan Map
One of the criteria to be eligible to receive a Life & Justice Campaign grant is that an organization must be located within the geographic boundaries of the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph. With 98 parishes and missions, the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph covers 15,429 square miles in northern and western Missouri.
Counties of the Diocese include Andrew, Atchison, Bates, Buchanan, Caldwell, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Henry, Holt, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Ray, Saint Clair, Vernon and Worth.