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If you are pregnant and need help, please call the Gabriel Project helpline at (913) 602-0306, or visit


Gabriel Project offers support to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and beyond by providing "a friend for the journey.” Expectant and new mothers receive unconditional, nonjudgmental and confidential accompaniment, along with material, emotional and prayer support, through a network of parish-based volunteers, called "angels.”


Currently, Gabriel Project is interested in expanding its network of trained volunteers throughout the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Gabriel Project is a shared ministry with the Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

Prayer & Worship Opportunities

Gabriel Project needs your prayer support! Visit and indicate “prayer support” in the form to receive prayer requests.

Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities

To learn about becoming an "Angel", go to Fill out the form that is displayed and you will be contacted, provided the necessary information, and provided the opportunity to sign up for the next training.

Pastoral Care Opportunities

• Facilitate parish, school and group presentations on unplanned pregnancy and economic justice for moms in need
• Assist with development of additional presentations on unplanned pregnancy and economic justice for moms in need
• Serve as diocesan resource for questions from groups on the Church's teaching on unplanned pregnancy, abortion, mental health, and economic justice for moms in need

Fundraising & Promotion

Upcoming Calendar Items

  • Next Gabriel Project Training: Saturday, September 21st, 8am-4pm (contact the Gabriel Project to learn more)

Program Materials

Volunteer Informational Card-Link Coming Soon!
Need Help Card-Link Coming Soon!
Necesita tarjeta de ayuda- ¡Enlace próximamente!
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